Stereo Tetris


Stereo Tetris v.1.0

I hope everyone know as to play a tetris, therefore sense I shall not describe. The given game is intended for those who loves stereograms. I have much reconsidered stereograms, but saw dynamic, i.e. moving a little. And that I saw strongly speckled, and it was not possible to concentrate on the image. I have decided to make also, something such as it. Has for the beginning taken a unpretentious tetris and has made of it a stereo game.

    At once I warn, that the given game can affect your sight, both in the best, and in the worse party. Hence I do not carry the responsibility for your state of health.

    Well and for those whom on the sight to sneeze, I shall tell the following:
The toy while, it is not ideal, therefore, that in it to play, the good processor, not less 1200MHz, such requirement, that process of the miscalculation of stereoimages demands many calculations is necessary. I think, shortly I shall manage to reduce loading of the processor.

    The given game is distributed ABSOLUTELY FREE, i.e. if who that will want to use it in commercial objectives, it is necessary to contact the author, i.e. with me.

    Who knows still any similar games, write on mine e-mail and I shall place them in this section.



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