How to look
this a picture


The main thing necessity for viewing these pictures, this skill to operate focus of eyes and movement of them, is not dependent on conditions.

    You can to look stereo picture as with screen of the monitor and print on the printer. And printer not necessarily should be color.

Method 1. Look at the reflection in a picture. The picture to become indistinct. Such result also should achieve. If the two-dimensional surface of a picture does not become indistinct, the three-dimensional image will not appear also. Having concentrated attention to the reflection, be weakened. Sometimes it is necessary to wait for some minutes, but I assure you, you not vainly will waste time. You will feel, as something starts to occur. Continue to look, and soon to appear the image. After you will see the three-dimensional image for the first time, each time to you all will be easier and easier to achieve this result.

Method 2. Look at a picture, but do not fix attention to a concrete point. Be weakened and do not strain sight. After a while to you will seem, as if something occurs. The picture will start to change. Still do not strain - your eyes will make everyone. And from you the patience is required only. Usually in the beginning there is a relief image only parts of figure. Continue to look, not concentrating on any certain point, and before you there will be a relief image of figure entirely.

Method 3. Bring a picture to edge of a nose (if it probably). You will see completely indistinct image. Give eyes to get used. Then, not changing a direction of a sight, slowly remove a picture while she does not appear on distance of the extended hands. You should see the image. Otherwise do all all over again.

    There is a set of ways of examining of three-dimensional images. But in any case the main thing - to not fix a sight, leaving figure indistinct (personally I have trained the sight up to such degree, that I can see a stereopicture of any complexity, on any distance and even under a small corner).

    If you will not see the image from the first attempt, do not despair - such frequently happens (I remember for consideration of the first picture has spent not less than hour. Now it is required only 2-3 seconds).

    Example of how quickly to learn to see:


    1. In the beginning you see two strips, as on pic. 1

View 1

    2. Then, after you relaxes you see 4 strips, as on pic.2

View 2

    3. But since the brain has not got used to see vaguely, at you 3 strips (pic.3), or 2 (pic.1) should turn out. If two, try all all over again.

View 3

    So at you three strips (pic.3), now slowly transfer a sight downwards a picture. You will see something similar to a mirror, wait while eyes will get used. The three-dimensional figure now has appeared. You already are able to look a stereo :). After several exercises to you are already unnecessary a strips.


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